Designed around the needs of our students and today’s nursing landscape, our DNP program is comprised of three Post-MSN to DNP tracks, allowing students to select the path of study that aligns best with their professional goals.

Post-MSN to DNP

The Post-Master’s DNP curriculum is designed for nurses who have already earned a Master of Science in Nursing degree or Master of Science in Anesthesia. UMKC SoNHS offers the following entry pathways into the Post-Master’s DNP program:



Appropriate master’s prepared nurses certified in Advanced Practice (APRN) roles to complete the DNP degree including certified Nurse Practitioner, Clinical Nurse Specialist, Nurse Anesthetist, and Nurse Midwife.

A master’s degree in one of the following areas of Nursing Leadership (Administration), Nursing Informatics, or Nursing Clinical Research Management.


Post-MSN, Non-APRN to DNP*

A nursing degree with a master’s degree in one of the following areas: Nursing Leadership (Administration), Nursing Informatics, or Nursing Clinical Research Management. National certification in the area is preferred not required.

*Individualized plans of study are developed for students  depending upon prior coursework. Applicants will need to provide course syllabi for evaluation of potential transfer credits from previous programs.


Post-MSN to DNP* (Returning for a New or Second NP Role)

Appropriate for master’s prepared nurses returning for coursework to obtain a  new or second NP role along with the DNP, via adding a certificate.
*Individualized plans of study are developed for students  depending upon prior coursework.  Applicants will need to provide course syllabi  for evaluation of potential transfer credits from previous programs.


Online Specialty Tracks available to complete in addition to the DNP:

MSN to DNP NP Tracks
- Adult Gerontology Nurse Practitioner - Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner
- Family Nurse Practitioner

- Women's Health Nurse Practitioner

- Pediatric Nurse Practitioner *Acute or Primary Care track - Neonatal Nurse Practitioner

The MSN-DNP program offers an optional two-day institute upon entry into the program, in January or May. Institute attendance is highly recommended and offered online for students’ convenience. The content allows the student to develop the tools for success, peer support, role acquisition, and the DNP project topic. The second Institute occurs upon entering the last full year of the program, in May, with online attendance required for the two-day Institute. Dates will be provided well in advance.

We are now a part of State Authorization Reciprocity Agreement (SARA) which allows us to offer online programs to students in other SARA states. We are able to accept and enroll students into most of our online programs in 48 states, including Washington, DC. We highly recommend that you review this information prior to submitting your application. Please review the state regulatory map to verify the status of your state’s regulations.

We designed the graduate programs to give professionals flexibility. Our courses are conducted online, with some may require class/chat times. Class/chat times are scheduled on Thursdays or Fridays and are communicated well in advance.

Students use the Web-based software, Canvas, for their online courses. Courses are conducted in synchronous and asynchronous modes depending on the professor and class. You can log on to find homework, class assignments, a class list, a syllabus and more at any time. The program allows students to engage in interactive learning with faculty and other students in an online platform.



DNP Mission and Progress Outcomes MSN to DNP Sample Plan of Study (PDF)
Course Schedules Catalog


Advisors and Faculty
Corrina Beck
Senior Student Services Coordinator (A-K)
Georgia Campbell
Senior Student Services Coordinator (L-Z)
Dr. Cheri Barber
Director DNP Program
